A discussion of two themes ('leadership' for 'sustainability') that are of increasing importance to our global society. Read on to explore and contribute to the perspectives I've developed during masters studies and ongoing research in strategic leadership towards sustainability...


Sticky messages and black balloons

Lately the sustainability masters class have been talking about networks and social system shifts. One of the important conclusions from the debate has been the need for research into 'sticky messages' - what makes a message gain traction and 'stick'?. Malcolm Gladwell has plenty to say on this in his book The Tipping Point, and the work being done by Albert Lazlo-Barabasi on network properties (popularised in his book 'Linked') supports this.

Definitely plenty to discuss on this topic but here's a little advertisement from Australia that I reckon is pretty sticky. I've heard its being exported to the US since its a powerful way of visualising sustainability issues (climate change at least).


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