A discussion of two themes ('leadership' for 'sustainability') that are of increasing importance to our global society. Read on to explore and contribute to the perspectives I've developed during masters studies and ongoing research in strategic leadership towards sustainability...


Favourite Quotes

  • "If mankind is to survive, we shall require a substantially new manner of thinking." (Albert Einstein)
  • “Cross-sector partnering between business, government, and non-profits will be the collaboration paradigm of the 21st century.” (James Austin, Harvard Business School)
  • "Today many things indicate that we are going through a transitional period, when it seems that something is on the way out and something else is painfully being born. It is as if something were crumbling, decaying and exhausting itself – while something else, still indistinct, were arising from the rubble." (Vaclav Havel, July 1994)
  • “To think strategically about cross-sector collaborations, you must have a framework that enables you to envision strategic options” (Austin 2000).
  • “We are all standing on the edge of the cliff that is crumbling. Somewhere off in mist is the realm of sustainability. We have to build a bridge to get that realm of sustainability and companies that are good at building that bridge, bringing others along with them, and having conversations with their adversaries, will do the best” (Hunter Lovins, Natural Capital Institute, pers. comms.)
  • Partnering is a response to failure…because we can’t do it alone (R. Tennyson, The Partnering Initiative)

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