A discussion of two themes ('leadership' for 'sustainability') that are of increasing importance to our global society. Read on to explore and contribute to the perspectives I've developed during masters studies and ongoing research in strategic leadership towards sustainability...


And while London burns (or drowns!)

On a recent trip to London, Andrew (a mate of mine and fellow MSLS alumni) and I did this pretty cool 'climate change' self-guided mp3 tour round the city of London.

Tracing the financial flows that support the petroleum industry, its an interesting operatic piece with a guided commentary with instructions on where to walk as well as a storyline of a burnt-out city worker. Quite surreal to be listening to it with all the busy activity of the city going on around you. As we passed the office of Deutche Bank (where my bro works, in fact!) the security guards seemed keen to keep us moving. Apparently a crime to listen to opera music outside DB offices...

Highly recommended for anyone in town with a spare hour. Of course, its a classic case of focussing on a single 'topical' issue and not looking at this with a whole-systems view. As such, there are a few holes in it and I would say it could alienate the 'big /bad/evil' financial community. But still very well done and quite a good experience to wander round one of the world's financial epicentres with a new perspective.

Here's the link

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