A discussion of two themes ('leadership' for 'sustainability') that are of increasing importance to our global society. Read on to explore and contribute to the perspectives I've developed during masters studies and ongoing research in strategic leadership towards sustainability...


On the cover of BusinessWeek

A very interesting article focussing on corporate sustainability and the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World has just been brought to my attention. Worth a read:

Beyond The Green Corporation

Imagine a world in which eco-friendly and socially responsible practices actually help a company's bottom line. It's closer than you think

…Serious money is lining up behind the sustainability agenda. Assets of mutual funds that are designed to invest in companies meeting social responsibility criteria have swelled from $12 billion in 1995 to $178 billion in 2005, estimates trade association Social Investment Forum. Boston's State Street Global Advisors alone handles $77 billion in such funds. And institutions with $4 trillion in assets, including charitable trusts and government pension funds in Europe and states such as California, pledge to weigh sustainability factors in investment decisions….

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