A discussion of two themes ('leadership' for 'sustainability') that are of increasing importance to our global society. Read on to explore and contribute to the perspectives I've developed during masters studies and ongoing research in strategic leadership towards sustainability...


Banks are urged not to finance coal power

A new front in the fight to slow down global warming follows trails of money, not wisps of polluting chemicals, straight to the doorsteps of banks. A coalition of environmental groups, including Boston-based Ceres , is demanding that banks reject loan requests for projects that emit high rates of greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming....

Some interesting developments happening all over the place - this one is about a coalition of groups putting pressure on banks not to lend to 'dirty' projects. I think this is a sign of things to come. It has reignited my interest to look into the return on investment situation for large infrastructure developments that are 1) based on today's technology and 2) assume that public values and perceptions of today will be the same in 30 years time. Given the trends in awareness and demand for environmental legislation, this seems ludicrous....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.